
Cool Mountain Farm
Contact: Susan Perkins
Address: 1075 Ireland Road Pickens, SC, 29671
Phone: 704-361-2308
About Us
SEASONAL Availability on the C.A.F.E Website is March-May and possibly the 4 weeks from Sept 15-OCT 15 for IDEAL FALL Planting for perennials, for roots and plants to gain a headstart thru winter months. Othertimes a Farm visit to PISGAH FOREST NC for plant purchases are required (unless delivery requested) * Thank you everyone for appreciating the time and effort required to grow and propagate native and rare plants in a chemical free and sustainable way. I am now in Brevard nc area .Summertime has fewer sales and so i cannot make the 3 hour round trip until fall. Contact me if you wish to visit or procure plants here. A FORCED Early retirement offers clients the temporary option to purchase mature, rare or master plants and fruits that I cannot continue to propagate or sale for much longer. LIMITED Opportunity now to obtain these special plants.
SPRING SALES if available- Please Know that APRIL is when the deciduous plants (one that die back to the ground OR that lose their leaves in winter) are just beginning to EMERGE, or produce new foliage on their stalks. Particularly with zigzag weather since february, That is why, unless they are evergreens, my organically and outdoor grown deciduous plants MAY be SMALLER in March & APRIL than those found at big box stores (grown in greenhouses with chemical fertilization). But Mine are ready for your planting as generally most have older or more mature root systems and/or remaining mature stalks (unless noted as seedlings or starters, ie 1 year offshoots of plants, or sold so rapidly that they are sold as quickly as divided). They are also hardier and faster growing. Worm castings, organic meals or fish emulsion are added to my soils and recommended as natural nutrients for fast growth when planted. Commercial sellers often have fuller or larger plants in spring BUT that is a characteristic of A. using chemical fertilizers steadily thruout the winter for abnormal quick growth or untimely blooms, and B. they were started months earlier and quickly GROWN INSIDE warm GREENHOUSES to defy their natural seasons and achieve size and lushness before arriving at your Big Box stores in the spring. (which makes them crisp or die when exposed to real sun). This often makes them susceptible to death or injury when planted outdoors, in direct or hotter sunlight than used to, or less suited to adjust or thrive in your climates with winters, or sometimes not as hardy (NON-Natives or hybrids that are more fickle to succeed in your soils or your climate). My plants will achieve growth or lushness, BUT on their own natural timeline, without chemicals.
Susan of Cool Mountain Farm, sells predominantly PERENNIALS (which survive and duplicate or increase in size year after year) and are PLANTS to be grown OUTDOORS. I do No Houseplants or tropicals that DO NOT survive our winters outdoors. Most have specific blooming or color seasons which is why photos show blooms in most cases. Varying blooming times provide yearly blooms, textures or interests. I do organically grow, propagate and harvest all plants sold, specializing in Native and Mountain PLANTS. Adding the many popular and rare landscape flowers, vines, shrubs and fruits that we alo love. Natives are important to continue to provide life and existence to the natural world of large wildlife, down to the tiniest, bees, butterflies and birds. Maintaining critical provisions and my pleasure to protect our ecosystems, just as many of you wish to do. Also grown are other rare, unique, popular or desirable landscape PLANTS that i propagate from my mother /master plants.
To reduce death from shock or direct sun, plants ARE NOT grown in greenhouses SO they have adapted to our climate. We provide lovingly nurtured, organic and chemical free; fruiting plants, herbs, natives, shrubs, flowers, ground covers, vines, bulbs, medicinal natives and trees. PLEASE know that without chemicals and naturally started outdoors, ORGANIC Potted plants are not as lush as commercial competitors while in pots, BUT WILL BECOME such once planted and nurtured.
.... Native and mountain plants include: sassafras, red honeysuckle, wild azaleas, rhododendron, spectacular ferns like ROYAL CINNAMON, Sensitive, Ladyhair or Mtn Wood, RED CARDINAL flowers. Some are water edge, stream or heavy shade lovers, ferns, lily of valley, jack in pulpits, red cardinal flower. Occassional Native Fruit plants are raspberry , elderberry. asparagus. Native or mountain native Perennial plants can include: wild ginger, jack in pulpit, lily of valley, cinnamon ferns, red cardinal, WILD Azaleas and hybrids of red, yellow or pinxter azaleas, autumn clematis and red honeysuckle vines, siberian iris, wild aster and daisy, native daylily and iris, wild salvia, ground covers like vinca major and minor. Rare, unique and limited quantity natives include: stunning 'pinxter azalea' bushes, jack in pulpit, cinnamon fern, lily of valley, cardinal flower.. Propagated favorites include raspberry, elderberry, RED & ORANGE canna lily, & endless summer blue or purple; NEW WAVE; or incrediball white; HYDRANGEA bushes, gardenia, RED or PEACH quince, premium daylillies or iris like bronze or red red, various hosta, rosemary, pineapple or orange mint, mock orange, creeping jenny, amaryllis, raspberry bushes, forsythia ‘yellow bells’ edible flowers for chickens or chefs. NEW this year, solid yellow honeysuckle, heavenly ORANGE BALM, BANANA MINT, camellia TEA plants. Thank you for your support of my farming practices these years, to protect our world, our wildlife and our native forest plus wildlife benefits. I can suggest for wet or dry, rich or poor soil, shade or light and sizes. Susan
SPRING SALES if available- Please Know that APRIL is when the deciduous plants (one that die back to the ground OR that lose their leaves in winter) are just beginning to EMERGE, or produce new foliage on their stalks. Particularly with zigzag weather since february, That is why, unless they are evergreens, my organically and outdoor grown deciduous plants MAY be SMALLER in March & APRIL than those found at big box stores (grown in greenhouses with chemical fertilization). But Mine are ready for your planting as generally most have older or more mature root systems and/or remaining mature stalks (unless noted as seedlings or starters, ie 1 year offshoots of plants, or sold so rapidly that they are sold as quickly as divided). They are also hardier and faster growing. Worm castings, organic meals or fish emulsion are added to my soils and recommended as natural nutrients for fast growth when planted. Commercial sellers often have fuller or larger plants in spring BUT that is a characteristic of A. using chemical fertilizers steadily thruout the winter for abnormal quick growth or untimely blooms, and B. they were started months earlier and quickly GROWN INSIDE warm GREENHOUSES to defy their natural seasons and achieve size and lushness before arriving at your Big Box stores in the spring. (which makes them crisp or die when exposed to real sun). This often makes them susceptible to death or injury when planted outdoors, in direct or hotter sunlight than used to, or less suited to adjust or thrive in your climates with winters, or sometimes not as hardy (NON-Natives or hybrids that are more fickle to succeed in your soils or your climate). My plants will achieve growth or lushness, BUT on their own natural timeline, without chemicals.
Susan of Cool Mountain Farm, sells predominantly PERENNIALS (which survive and duplicate or increase in size year after year) and are PLANTS to be grown OUTDOORS. I do No Houseplants or tropicals that DO NOT survive our winters outdoors. Most have specific blooming or color seasons which is why photos show blooms in most cases. Varying blooming times provide yearly blooms, textures or interests. I do organically grow, propagate and harvest all plants sold, specializing in Native and Mountain PLANTS. Adding the many popular and rare landscape flowers, vines, shrubs and fruits that we alo love. Natives are important to continue to provide life and existence to the natural world of large wildlife, down to the tiniest, bees, butterflies and birds. Maintaining critical provisions and my pleasure to protect our ecosystems, just as many of you wish to do. Also grown are other rare, unique, popular or desirable landscape PLANTS that i propagate from my mother /master plants.
To reduce death from shock or direct sun, plants ARE NOT grown in greenhouses SO they have adapted to our climate. We provide lovingly nurtured, organic and chemical free; fruiting plants, herbs, natives, shrubs, flowers, ground covers, vines, bulbs, medicinal natives and trees. PLEASE know that without chemicals and naturally started outdoors, ORGANIC Potted plants are not as lush as commercial competitors while in pots, BUT WILL BECOME such once planted and nurtured.
.... Native and mountain plants include: sassafras, red honeysuckle, wild azaleas, rhododendron, spectacular ferns like ROYAL CINNAMON, Sensitive, Ladyhair or Mtn Wood, RED CARDINAL flowers. Some are water edge, stream or heavy shade lovers, ferns, lily of valley, jack in pulpits, red cardinal flower. Occassional Native Fruit plants are raspberry , elderberry. asparagus. Native or mountain native Perennial plants can include: wild ginger, jack in pulpit, lily of valley, cinnamon ferns, red cardinal, WILD Azaleas and hybrids of red, yellow or pinxter azaleas, autumn clematis and red honeysuckle vines, siberian iris, wild aster and daisy, native daylily and iris, wild salvia, ground covers like vinca major and minor. Rare, unique and limited quantity natives include: stunning 'pinxter azalea' bushes, jack in pulpit, cinnamon fern, lily of valley, cardinal flower.. Propagated favorites include raspberry, elderberry, RED & ORANGE canna lily, & endless summer blue or purple; NEW WAVE; or incrediball white; HYDRANGEA bushes, gardenia, RED or PEACH quince, premium daylillies or iris like bronze or red red, various hosta, rosemary, pineapple or orange mint, mock orange, creeping jenny, amaryllis, raspberry bushes, forsythia ‘yellow bells’ edible flowers for chickens or chefs. NEW this year, solid yellow honeysuckle, heavenly ORANGE BALM, BANANA MINT, camellia TEA plants. Thank you for your support of my farming practices these years, to protect our world, our wildlife and our native forest plus wildlife benefits. I can suggest for wet or dry, rich or poor soil, shade or light and sizes. Susan
I have moved a little north of Table Rock and ceasars head, into the BREVARD AND PISGAH FOREST AREA of the mountains.. Cooler spring is the best time to install trees, shrubs, large rooted plants and perennials. That is because less watering is needed than in the hottest summer months and to get your plants and roots established before the heat of mid-summer ... All products are naturally and organically grown or rooted, separated or otherwise propagated by me until root systems are developed enough for replanting by you. Selective harvesting maintains the natural beauty of the native forest, using a thinning practice, cuttings of branches from, or leaving master plants in place. Yet allowing others to share and relocate natives, and enjoy or create their own mountain or garden oasis. Chickens provide compost used with custom mixed natural soil and conditioners like peat or bark mulch, compost and organich nutrients. Specific to plants’ preference (well-drained versus rich or loamy). No pesticides or fungicides are used, outdoor grown therefore acclamated to our climate, Native plants are hardier, more disease and insect resistant as well as beneficial and critical to our wildlife. As NOT Commercial treated with chemicals, some insect damage MAY exist. As NOT Grown inside greenhouses, plants are less likely to die or suffer from sunburn, frost or winter freezes. Most plants are Sold in containers ready for planting, unless otherwise specified, and we gladly take pots back for reuse. Not all items are available at all times. Some may be recently dug when needed, but shall have sufficient root systems to thrive once planted in your garden or yard. Some limited and favorites may sell out in springtime. Larger specimens and small ones too, may now be picked up at the farm. Special colors should be productive this year whereas sold out last year. Maybe you will see WHITE SQUIRRELS.
Come and visit, my cell 704)3612308 ,and email is avlb.. our airbnb link is Share it for vacas and friends families visiting or seeking cool clean river play waterfalls fishing biking plus.. More and larger products availabĺ here and i always have photos of blooms and maturity. With max. heights sizes.ty, susan
Come and visit, my cell 704)3612308 ,and email is avlb.. our airbnb link is Share it for vacas and friends families visiting or seeking cool clean river play waterfalls fishing biking plus.. More and larger products availabĺ here and i always have photos of blooms and maturity. With max. heights sizes.ty, susan